May 22, 2024 - Live your true identity.

In 2002, my brother and I applied for passports to go on a mission trip to Honduras. Somehow, we mistakenly signed each other’s passports. We were told to just cross out the wrong signatures and add the correct ones, which made me anxious that my identity would be accepted at customs. Fortunately, it all worked out okay.

We all use identification to indicate who we are to others. Overall, what would you say is your primary identity?

In 1 Corinthians 6, Paul challenges the Corinthians to consider their true identity. They were caught up in their culture's values of power and prestige, leading to disunity and exploitation. Paul asks whether their primary identity is as Corinthians or as citizens of God’s kingdom. In our context, we’re asked to consider if our primary identity is as Americans (or based on our gender, sexuality, culture, or status) or as citizens of God’s kingdom.

Our actions reflect our primary identity. Identifying with the world means living by its distorted standards, separated from God. Identifying with Christ means embodying His values of restoration and true justice. God offers us a fuller identity through Jesus, calling us to live as citizens of His kingdom.

So, who are you? Are you primarily living as a citizen of God’s kingdom or according to another identity? Consider the true life that Jesus offers. Embrace your identity in Him, confess and repent where needed, and let His teachings guide your actions. Live your true identity in Jesus.

Below, see further CCC updates and resources for participating in the body of Christ and God’s mission.

Continue to trust that God is present and active. See you Sunday if not before then!


If you missed the first Share Your Faith Workshop last Sunday, Sean Cronin discussed the five levels of conversation that help move a dialogue with a stranger from casual to gospel-focused:

1. Casual

2. Personal

3. Meaningful

4. Spiritual

5. Gospel

Another session will be held this Sunday, May 26th, following worship. Consecutive attendance isn’t necessary to participate.

This Friday, May 24th, is the next Merge (6-12th grades) "One" Day event at Akron Falls Park. It will be 2pm-5pm, and we will be meeting right at Akron Falls (44 Parkview Dr, Akron, NY 14001).

There will be some hiking to start, and some outdoor games in the more open areas for all of us to enjoy. Please encourage your kids to invite a friend if they haven't already!

Come with a water bottle for hydration, sunscreen if needed, as well as having eaten already. Forward any questions to Mitch Knight.

Check out for summer program dates and more. You can help prep the campground on May 25th, 9am-6pm. Tasks: building cleanup, groundskeeping, and small projects.

In 2024, if you buy a product online or want to try a new restaurant, you’ve likely checked out an online review beforehand. Like it or not, reviews make a strong first impression and influence people's choices, including where they attend church. It would be a great help if you could leave a simple review about the impact CCC has had on your life and your growth in Christ. You can leave a Google review here, and help others be encouraged to take a step toward experiencing Jesus with us.

This Sunday, May 26th, we’ll reflect and respond to God’s Word in 1 Corinthians 6:12-20. I pray you’ll be open to God’s Spirit directing and shaping your life where it needs to intersect further with Jesus’ abundant way of life.

May 15, 2024 - Come as you are, but don't leave as you came.

This past Sunday, Mitch led us in a reflection on 1 Corinthians 5, where Paul addressed the sin that the Corinthian church was tolerating. While God accepts us as we come to Him in our sin—messed-up, broken, ignorant, with distorted views, etc.—He knows it’s best for us to be healed from our sin and be renewed out of it into the abundant life of God that we see in Jesus.

While this overall message of "Come as you are, but don't leave as you came" may sound familiar to you, the effort (not earning) that we’re called to is an honest assessment of our life and what sin (where your life doesn’t line up with Jesus’ life) needs acknowledgment and turning away from to follow in the life-giving way of Jesus. The good news is that Jesus isn’t just a band-aid for our sin. The hard news to accept is that we may have deceptively believed that Jesus is just a band-aid, and we’ve suffered from life-sucking sin that’s been embedded in our lives for years. It’s not easy, but the payoff is a life of freedom in the abundant life that God has for you. How is God’s Spirit calling you to respond to His costly grace today?

Below you will find other CCC updates and resources for participating in the body of Christ and God’s mission.

Continue to trust that God is present and active. See you Sunday if not before then!


This Sunday, May 12th, Mitch Knight will help us reflect and respond to God’s Word in 1 Corinthians 5. I pray you’ll be open to God’s Spirit directing and shaping your life where it needs to intersect further with Jesus’ abundant way of life.

We hope many moms were honored this past Sunday through words of appreciation and gift of beauty through snapdragon flowers.

Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. “Honor your father and mother”—which is the first commandment with a promise—“so that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth.”
(Ephesians 6:1-3)

Starting this Sunday, May 19th (snack food and childcare available)…

Do you want to share your faith, but don't know how? If so, come check out the Share Your Faith workshop Sean Cronin will be leading after our church worship gatherings on May 19th, 26th, June 2nd and 9th in the Youth Room. Every week Sean will present different content to equip you to share your faith with others, so come to all or as many as you can. Join for all four (45 minute) sessions, or individually as able. Any session will independently help equip you with a practical tool to sow the seed of your faith in Jesus with others.

Check out for summer program dates and more. Help prep the campground on May 25th, 9am-6pm. Tasks: building cleanup, groundskeeping, and small projects.

May 8, 2024 - This is needed to live like Jesus.

In our pursuit of success, we often prioritize qualities like dominance, innovation, and prosperity. However, the Apostle Paul reminds us, through his letter to the Corinthians, that true leadership and fulfillment are found in Jesus Christ. He challenges us to let go of worldly values and embrace humility, service, and surrender to God's will.

Paul warns against the dangers of pride and arrogance, which obstruct our alignment with God's purpose. He urges us to recognize that everything we have is a gift from God, and true significance is found in following Christ wholeheartedly.

By letting go of worldly wisdom and power, we can embrace the transformative life of Jesus. This radical shift in perspective leads to enduring fulfillment and joy, free from the constraints of human expectations. Let go to live like Jesus—this is the invitation that offers true success and abundance.

Below you will find other CCC updates and resources for participating in the body of Christ and God’s mission.

Continue to trust that God is present and active. See you Sunday if not before then!


This Sunday, May 12th, Mitch Knight will help us reflect and respond to God’s Word in 1 Corinthians 5. I pray you’ll be open to God’s Spirit directing and shaping your life where it needs to intersect further with Jesus’ abundant way of life.

Mission partner in Egypt: Safaa and Mona F.

Celebrate and offer your Amen in praise for the construction of 18 new churches, which will train and save more people to participate in God’s mission of global redemption!

Mission partner in Alleyland: Don T.

Please pray for God’s relief and provision to massive flooding that has been happening in a land typically filled with drought. During this difficult time, pray that God’s people in and connected to this mission field are able to be the hands and feet of Jesus to those in need.

Do you want to share your faith, but don't know how? If so, come check out the Share Your Faith workshop Sean Cronin will be leading after our church worship gatherings on May 19th, 26th, June 2nd and 9th in the Youth Room. Every week Sean will present different content to equip you to share your faith with others, so come to all or as many as you can. Join for all four sessions, or individually. Any session will independently help equip you with a practical tool to sow the seed of your faith in Jesus with others.

May 1, 2024 - Without God, ______ happens

Have you ever pondered the nature of a hole? It’s not just a gap in fabric or a void in space; it represents the absence of something, like the missing threads in a sock. In essence, a hole is a real indicator that something is amiss.

But there are other kinds of holes in our lives, in which we invest our time and energy. We delve into people, things, and ideas that shape our routines, thoughts, and even our identities.

Yet, according to 1 Corinthians 3, these paths can be deceptive. They can divert our allegiance from where it should be: with God. Pursuing these other paths tears at our connection to the life of God, leaving us with a void – an absence of God’s presence in our lives.

Paul’s letter to the Corinthians addresses this division and the consequences of misplaced allegiance. Giving precedence to worldly wisdom and power leads to emptiness (a void of true substance). Without God at the center, we find ourselves pursuing nothing of significance.

However, there’s hope. The life of God, revealed in Jesus, offers the substance and purpose we long for. Following the path of the crucified Jesus realigns our priorities and fills the void left by other pursuits.

In essence, 1 Corinthians 3 reminds us that without God, nothing happens. It’s only by centering our lives on the life of Jesus that we find true meaning and substance.

Below you will find other CCC updates and resources for participating in the body of Christ and God’s mission.

See you Sunday if not before then!

Jordan Byrd

This Sunday, April 28th, we'll be reflecting on 1 Corinthians 4. I pray God will show us how we need to further align with the life of Jesus and his mission to for all people to find abundant life in him.

Thank you for praying for the CCC staff (Mitch, Sean, and Jordan) as they attended the Renew Gathering in Indianapolis, Indiana, over the past two days. Your prayers mean a lot. Please continue praying, asking God to help us digest the insights gained and strive to grow in our leadership and service to CCC and the Kingdom of God in WNY.

April 24, 2024 - Who can understand God?

Who can understand God? In today's age, there's a prevalent misconception that understanding the way of God comes naturally. However, In 1 Corinthians 2, Paul reveals that God's wisdom is not readily apparent; it's a mystery veiled to those who lack the guidance of God's Spirit. Sin blinds us, separating us from God's truth and preventing us from comprehending His ways. Yet, there's hope. Despite its mysterious nature, God's wisdom is accessible to us through His Spirit. This passage reassures us that we don't have to navigate life's complexities alone. With the presence of God's Spirit, we gain insight into His wisdom, enabling us to live according to His truth.

So, what's the next step? It's embracing the role of God's Spirit in our lives. Rather than relying on our understanding alone, we must cultivate a relationship with God's Spirit by following Jesus and obeying his Word and adapting his rhythms of life (like: worship, prayer, praise, service, generosity, etc.). As we allow God's Spirit to work within us, our eyes are opened to His wisdom, guiding us in making choices aligned with His will. Let's lean into the worldview of 1 Corinthians 2:6-16, trusting God's Spirit to illuminate His wisdom within us, leading us into a life rooted in the truth and love of Jesus.

With this in mind, we can choose humility, recognizing our privilege to have God's Spirit with us. Drawing from 1 Corinthians 2:6-16, we're urged to engage others with compassion, understanding that we too were once lacking in spiritual insight without God's Spirit. From this empathy, we seek to extend God's Spirit to others. Our mission is to lead others to grasp this wisdom by surrendering to Jesus and experiencing abundant life. Moreover, we have the opportunity to respond to this privilege with constant praise. As the song we sang this past Sunday says, "As long as I'm breathing... I've got a reason to praise the Lord, oh my soul!" 👇

Below you will find other CCC updates and resources for participating in the body of Christ and God’s mission.

See you Sunday if not before then!

Jordan Byrd

This Sunday, April 28th, we'll be reflecting on 1 Corinthians 3. I pray you’ll be open to God’s Spirit directing and shaping your life where it needs to intersect further with Jesus’ abundant way of life.

A follow-up reflection on items that didn’t quite make the sermon this past Sunday. Think of it as a mid-week Bible study.

One advantage of our congregation's diversity is the opportunity for different age groups to witness each other's worship and journey with Jesus. This unfolded spontaneously last Sunday during the music team's rehearsal before the service. Children wandered into the auditorium and were eventually invited to join the music team in singing and using tambourines and egg shakers for the 'Praise' song that we later sang during worship. You can catch a glimpse of this heartwarming moment in the video above.


Mission partner in Egypt: Safaa and Mona F.

Safaa turns 73 this year. Please pray for the following CAS needs as the 50 year ministry legacy of Safaa continues and passes on to the next generation of leaders and recipients.

1. Pray for physical stamina

2. Continued training of new leaders

3. Expansion of the ministry, planting of hundreds of new churches, goal of $1,000,000 for the CAS budget

this year.


Mission partner in Alleyland: Don T.

A recent conference aimed to strengthen disciples in the Alley church, attracting attendees from multiple continents. More than 200 copies of Alley New Testaments and discipleship booklets were distributed. Networking for future projects was a significant benefit. There is increasing support for creating Bible commentaries to accompany the new translation of the Alley New Testament. This long-term project requires teamwork. Your prayers and support are appreciated as we serve our Lord.


In light of the message from this past Sunday, you might also find this insight from Athanasius, a third century (post-Scripture) father of the early church, “We only really see and understand spiritual things from the inside, as we participate in them.” Read more on this insight from this post by Ben Sternke.


Finally, here is a simple guide to use in fostering spiritual conversation with an unbeliever (this guide can also work well as a guide for personal prayer). Jeff Vanderstelt explains…

April 17, 2024 - Why don’t people get it?

“Why don’t people get it?”, “Why would someone do that?”, “How could someone think that way?”. In many conversations, these questions can capture the spirit of our confusion. We live in a broken and fallen world where it’s easy to make the wrong choice, live in darkness, and run from the light of truth. Why is this the case?

First, how do you view people who disagree with you? How do you view those who are making wrong choices or those who are pursuing evil? More importantly, how do you treat them? Paul offers some very helpful advice to Timothy when he writes the following:

In order to convince others that Jesus is the way, truth, and life, we first need to instruct them gently. The inspiration to do so comes from an understanding that those outside of Christ are deceived, as they have fallen under the devil’s trap.

Not only are they deceived into a false worldview and way of life, but they are lost because they do not have a shepherd. Jesus, in recognizing this, had compassion on the people he served, taught, and healed (Matt 9:36). How much larger would God’s kingdom be if we all lived like Him? This week, I challenge you to be humble, gentle, and compassionate!


Below are some updates and highlights from the various ministries in our church. I’m looking forward to seeing you all this Sunday!

Be blessed,

Mitch Knight
Clarence Church of Christ

Adult Ministry

Paul has much advice to give to the church in Corinth, and that advice has many applications for us today in Clarence. What is the standard for doing life with God, or even with God’s people? Our series “Holy Wholly” on 1 Corinthians 1-9 dives into to Paul’s words to find the answers to those questions!

Youth Ministry

Mitch Knight and the CCC Youth Group at “Get Air” in Cheektowaga, New York. Photo taken by Joseph Ludwick.

The CCC Youth Group is a place where every student belongs. To help foster that vision, and to help our students help their friends find Jesus, we’ve started monthly “One” events (sometimes called “One Night” or “One Day”). The idea is to encourage students to bring “One” friend to the “One” true God. On April 5th, 2024, we had a group of students attend our latest “One Day” at Get Air in Cheektowaga, New York. We had many laughs, and we enjoyed a great deal of fellowship. Our prayer is that our invited guests learn about the love of Christ for each one of them!

Sunday from 6:30pm-8:30pm, students meet at our church for Youth Group. It is a great opportunity to have some fun and learn about Jesus. We’ve just finished our discussion on the fruit of the Holy Spirit, and we are now talking about Jesus’ life and ministry.

Jesus claims in John 14:6 that He is the way, the truth, and the life. Over the next few months, I will be guiding our kids through selections of the various gospels highlighting Jesus' ministry. Hopefully, they will see that Jesus shows us the way to live for God, the truth of His good news, and the life that we can experience when we walk with Him in faith!

Kids Ministry

New resource for families. Recently the Little Impact (PreK-1st*) and Big Impact (1st*-5th) programming got a refresh. You can see what the new experience is like by clicking the image above. Families are encouraged to subscribe to the channel, as we hope the CCC Impact Kids Youtube channel allows parents and kids to revisit and guide kids in further conversation and thought about the activities, songs, stories, and lessons between Sundays.


Benediction and Prayer

Please read the following and offer your heart and your words to our Heavenly Father:

Lord, you alone are God. In a world where we are tempted to pursue avenues that we know are not healthy, we confess that we sometimes make that wrong choice. But, Your name is Holy among us, for You have washed away the stain of our sin for all eternity by exhausting its power on the cross through Jesus Himself.

Today, in recognition of Your forgiveness, may You help us to live lives worthy of the calling that we have received. We submit our thoughts, words, and actions to You this day, that we might both take steps further into the narrow gate and invite those around us to do the same.

To Him who is able to do more than we can possibly ask or imagine, to whom is the power, glory, authority, and dominion;

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Go in peace, and know that God goes with you!

April 3, 2024

Does human life matter? Death is an unavoidable reality that casts its shadow over every aspect of human existence. From sickness to violence, from scarcity to existential doubts, the fear of death looms over us all. In Acts 18, the Apostle Paul grapples with this fear while facing threats and rejection for his faith.

In Corinth, Paul confronts a community paralyzed by the fear of death, unable to accept Jesus as the solution. Despite facing persecution and abandonment, Paul receives a divine reassurance: he need not fear because Jesus, who conquered death, is with him.

This encounter offers a profound message: Jesus, in his resurrection, validates the value of human life beyond death. Paul's confidence stems from the belief that his life matters eternally because of Jesus' victory over death.

This assurance extends to all: because Jesus rose, our lives hold significance beyond the grave. Suffering and death do not define our existence; rather, they are pathways to a life united with the resurrected Jesus.

In a world overshadowed by fear and uncertainty, the message of Acts 18 remains relevant: our lives matter beyond death because Jesus rose. Let this truth anchor your confidence and dispel the fear of mortality.

Catch the full message from this past Sunday: Because Jesus rose, be confident your life matters.

Below you will find other CCC updates and resources for participating in the body of Christ over the coming weeks.

See you Sunday if not before then!

Jordan Byrd

This Sunday: 1 Corinthians 1:1-17

This Sunday, April 7th, we begin a new series of messages reflecting in 1 Corinthians, focusing on following God's Spirit to become the sanctified (holy) and united (wholly) body of Christ. May God prepare us to hear his voice and respond in obedience, as we reflect on the wisdom he revealed to the Corinthian church, through the Apostle Paul, many years ago.

Merge One day: From Jesus, we learn the value of every life and the mission to seek out lost individuals. This is the essence of the "One" activities of the CCC Merge youth group, which invites 6-12th graders to introduce a friend to experience a community of students and caring adults striving to follow Jesus. Bring one to One. The next "One" day is this Friday, April 5th, at Get Air in Cheektowaga, from 1 pm to 3 pm. Regular attendees are asked to bring $20 for expenses. Expensenses will be covered for any friends who join. Contact Mitch Knight for further information.

Image: BenMoses M on Unsplash


New!!!! This past Sunday, the Little (PreK-1st*) and Big (1st*-5th) Impact programming got a refresh. Thanks to Mitch Knight’s planning and content curation, we are able to utilize a different curriculum that offers new interactive components for kids as they engage in the Bible stories and lessons presented. You can see what they are like by watching the videos below. Families are encouraged to subscribe to the channel, as we hope the CCC Impact Kids Youtube channel allows parents and kids to revisit and guide kids in further conversation and thought about the activities, songs, stories, and lessons between Sundays.


An outreach of CCC mission partners in Mexico (Hector and Joy Rodriguez)

That was fun!!! This past Sunday, following our Easter worship gathering, we got to indulge in CHURROS!!! - as we shared in the exciting news about the classes and story time that have been started and running through the English institute in Pachuca, Mexico, which Hector and Joy Rodriguez have been diligently getting established. These classes allow Hector and Joy — to foster opportunities to share the hope of Christ to those coming to learn and practice English. Please continue to pray for them to have opportunities to openly share the hope of Christ we hold with English students and participants.


The Chosen group resumes this Sunday, April 7th, with the second half of episode 2 of season 4. Anyone is welcome to jump in and join this casual group experience.

March 27, 2024

Have you considered it today? Something for which you can be grateful. Have you taken a moment to acknowledge those blessings in your life? Even amid the darkness, in the midst of depressing moments, or when feeling mentally overwhelmed or paralyzed, what remains for you to be thankful for? Friends, clothing, shelter, entertainment, access to clean water, high-speed internet, proximity to natural resources, family—what fills you with gratitude?

I'm grateful that this past Sunday you contributed to our quest to determine who makes the best donuts in WNY! I appreciate the opportunity to sample donuts from a bakery I've never visited. Moreover, I'm thankful for the numerous interactions these donuts facilitated, providing a chance to engage with those who have yet to embrace a life in Jesus. I am eager to see how God will utilize these moments to draw individuals closer to discovering life in His eternal presence.

As Sean Cronin eloquently tied together from the life of David in Psalm 4 and 2 Samuel 16 this past Sunday, joy—the very essence we seek in life—is the fruit of gratitude. Joy is the fruit of gratitude. Experiencing peace and joy emanates not from managing your feelings but from managing your focus. Is your focus centered on God? When it is, finding reasons to be grateful becomes more natural. Let’s strive to be people who cultivate joy and peace, and share these blessings with others, as we fix our gaze on God's provision and His faithful care over our lives.

Below you will find other CCC updates and resources for participating in the body of Christ over the coming weeks.

See you Sunday if not before then!

Jordan Byrd


Join us in celebrating the resurrection of Jesus!!! This Sunday, March 31st, at 10 am. We’ll have a fun place prepared for you to capture a family picture when you arrive or when you leave.

If you know someone who is considering joining us for worship, feel free to share this link with them. It offers a simple welcome and overview of what to expect when they arrive, as well as more about CCC.

I encourage you to welcome any family members or friends who may be visiting at the door, so they have someone they trust to greet them and help them navigate the worship service. Additionally, consider how you might follow up with them afterward, whether it's inviting them to join you for lunch or a cup of coffee this Sunday or later in the week.

I also encourage you to consider how you can follow-up with them after (for lunch or a cup of coffee), whether this Sunday or later in the week - to see how God might be leading and guiding them toward a step of faith (e.g., asking further questions about Jesus, coming back to church, or baptism).

I hope you’ll join in celebrating the hope that is at the center of our faith in Jesus — his conquering death, so that we can experience the abundant life of God into eternity.

On April 7th, we will begin a series of messages reflecting on 1 Corinthians 1-9, focusing on following God's Spirit to become the sanctified (holy) and united (wholly) body of Christ. My prayer is that God’s Spirit would help us translate his directions to the Corinthian church of the first century in a way that we can apply that wisdom that we to our own participation with and within Christ’s church. My prayer is that God’s Spirit would help us understand His instructions to the first-century, Corinthian church, so that we can apply that wisdom to our own experience as Christ’s church today.

Thank you!!! Thank you to every person who had a hand in being present and serving to make the Merge Madness 6-12th grade student event a possibility this past weekend! Thank you for being the extension of God’s presence in the lives of young people — to help them ground themselves in the timeless love and faithfulness of the God revealed in Jesus!


CCC mission partners in Mexico (Hector and Joy Rodriguez)

You won’t want to miss this… This Sunday, during our Easter worship gathering, we are excited to share an update about the English institute that Hector and Joy have been diligently working to help establish and get up and running — to foster greater opportunity to share the hope of Christ in Mexico. I hope you can join for worship at 10 am this Sunday, March 31st, to hear the update and enjoy some fun surprises that accompany it!


There will be an estate sale in Clarence, this Friday and Saturday (March 29-30), at the house of our late friend and brother, Jon Rothenmeyer, where Jon's car will also be included in the sale. Following the sale, the house will be put on the market. While you might be able to support the sale, your prayers for Jon’s family and friends are also appreciated, as they have been spending a lot of time going through Jon’s house and handling his estate.


The Chosen group will not be meeting on Easter Sunday. It is scheduled to resume on April 7th, with the second half of episode 2 or season 4. Anyone is welcome to jump in and join this casual group experience.

March 20, 2024

Ohhh… I like those! Hopefully that is a reaction you can have to one of the donuts you try this coming Sunday (March 24th), as we see who makes the best donuts in WNY! More here…

You can participate by bringing 6-12 donuts from your favorite bakery to share with others. After the worship gathering, the leftover donuts will be available for you to take and share with a friend or family member. Our aim is for these donuts to help you build a relationship with your friend or family member and spark conversation that may lead to sharing about your journey of following Jesus, ultimately guiding them toward encountering Jesus themselves. Additionally, we'll provide you with an invitation to help you invite your friend or family member to join us in celebrating the hope of Easter on March 31st, as we focus on the hope we have in the resurrection of Jesus. I look forward to enjoying donuts with you this Sunday! Seek God's guidance on how to use this opportunity to invite others to experience what you've found in Christ.

Below you will find other CCC updates and resources for participating in the body of Christ over the coming weeks.

See you Sunday if not before then!

Jordan Byrd

When life pauses, what do you do? Those are the moments when life temporarily halts from receiving terrible medical news, losing your job, flunking a big test, getting a bill you can't afford, having a special person break up with you, or receiving devastating news.

In such pauses of life, what do you do? How do you respond? How do you resume living? Do you worry? Do you overanalyze? Do you self-medicate? Do you isolate yourself? Do you internalize it? Do you lash out at others? Or do you respond some other way?

When life pauses, you have a choice to turn inward or to something else. Psalm 3 declares how God is the greater, infinite, all-powerful, all-wise, all-good "something" else to turn to. In Psalm 3, David's life was paused; and in that pause, he prayed to God. Through Psalm 3, God's Word invites you to do the same: Pray when life pauses.

This Sunday, we will conclude the series of messages on Living in Darkness. This Sunday Sean Cronin help us reflect on Psalm 4. May God’s Spirit guide us through our reflection of Psalm 4, and show us the steps of obedient faith we can take toward his abundant life for us.

Amaury Gutierrez on Unsplash

March Prayer Guide

I hope you've had the opportunity to use the prayer guide to help you meditate on Psalms 1, 2, and 3 between Sunday gatherings. If you haven't, the CCC leadership team has prepared a weekly prayer guide to complement the sermons from our Living in Darkness message series. The prayer guide is available in both physical and digital formats. Please remember to pick up the last installment of the prayer guide, covering Psalm 4, or save/bookmark a copy for reference next week, to reflect on our need for life in God, as we approach the celebration of resurrection life in Jesus on March 31st, Easter Sunday.

MERGE Madness is this weekend, Friday (March 2nd) and Saturday (March 23rd).
It’s a youth event for 6-12th grade students at the Clarence Church of Christ. Kids will have the fantastic opportunity to stand alongside other students from our sisterhood of churches in worship, praise, and fun! This event is tailored for students to encounter the timelessness of God in a fun environment.

If you’ve been interesting in helping, but haven’t responded in any particular way yet, please reach out to Mitchell Knight to find ways to be involved.


CCC mission partners in Egypt and surrounding area (Safaa and Mona F.)

A recent update from Safaa F. highlighted the invaluable role of spreading the Word of God through books in the ministry of CAS. The workers of this ministry express profound gratitude for the opportunity to produce and share these books, which convey the precious love of God. They are extremely appreciative of the resources provided by our faith promise mission partners who’ve joined in making this endeavor possible. Here is a sample of what has been produced:

  • Complete Arabic Bible commentary (edited and translated, 71 Vols., 23,000 pages).

  • Apologetics encyclopedia (3 Vols., 2,200 pages).

  • Booklets on contemporary issues/problems (in progress).

  • Educational curriculums for Sunday school and kid’s activities.

March 13, 2024

In a world full of chaos, it's easy to feel this: lost and overwhelmed. But even in the midst of turmoil, there's hope. Reflecting on Psalm 2, we see that those who oppose God's order are met with His calm response. Just like a skilled wrestler facing an eager challenger, God's supremacy is clear.

Understanding God's response isn't easy. Some see it as a natural consequence of sin, while others view it as purposeful. Regardless, God's actions are always just and wise. In a chaotic world, Psalm 2 reminds us that opposition to God's rule is futile…

So where do we find security in this chaos? Not in distractions or earthly powers, but in surrendering to the God revealed in Jesus. Whether you're new to faith or seeking to deepen it, know that true security is found in trusting Him. Let's trust in God's love, grace, and power, finding peace amidst life's chaos.

Below you will find other CCC updates and resources for participating in the body of Christ over the coming weeks.

See you Sunday if not before then!

Jordan Byrd

Sunday, March 10th - Psalm 2

This Sunday, we will continue the series of messages on Living in Darkness, living as a follower of Jesus in a world of darkness – a result of humanity’s separation from God. This Sunday we will look at Psalm 2. May God guide us through our reflection of Psalm 2 to realize our desperate need to be connected to Him. May God’s Spirit and the example of Jesus inspire us to take steps of obedience to experience the fullness of life in God’s family and kingdom.

Amaury Gutierrez on Unsplash

March Prayer Guide

To assist you in meditating on Psalm 1 day and night this week, the CCC leadership team has provided a weekly prayer guide to accompany the sermon from this past Sunday. The prayer guide is accessible in both physical and digital formats. Be sure to pick up or save/bookmark a copy for reference each week of March (until Easter Sunday).

MERGE Madness is a youth event for 6-12th grade students at the Clarence Church of Christ. Kids will have the fantastic opportunity to stand alongside other students from our sisterhood of churches in worship, praise, and fun! This event is tailored for students to encounter the timelessness of God in a fun environment.

Would you consider giving of your time and service to help make this event happen over the days of March 22nd-23rd? Check here for ways that you can participate.

For further ways to be involved, contact Mitchell Knight.


New International Spiritual Pilgrimage - The CCC mission partners participating in this time away from the mission field for encouragement and renewal are: Hector and Joy-Cronin Rodriguez (Mexico) and Douglas and Maria Klotzbach (Alleyland).

Read more about this time of renewal and encouragement for New International missionaries.

Join in prayer for this time of encouragement and renewal, between March 20-April 28, through this prayer guide.


Pick up an updated CCC directory this Sunday from the resource table outside of the auditorium.

March 6, 2024

How do you find delight in words written thousands of years ago? This past Sunday, we were challenged from Psalm 1 to avoid giving into the way of darkness by following God’s way of light. And the author of Psalm 1 writes that we can stay on God’s path by delighting in God through his word that he has revealed to us in Scripture and most fully in the life of Jesus. And to delight in God, we have to meditate on God’s word. Watch/listen to this story to get a mental image of what it’s like to meditate on God’s word…

Meditating on God’s word goes against the instant-paced, 21st century world that we’re shaped to live into each and every day. Meditating on God’s word is not just about downloading more information into our minds. Meditating on God’s word is about savoring it; it’s about sitting with the beauty of God’s life and character, and reflecting how that shapes our interaction with God as loving creator and us as his beloved creation.

Below you will find other CCC updates and resources for participating in the body of Christ over the coming weeks.

See you Sunday if not before then!

Jordan Byrd

Sunday, March 10th - Psalm 3

This Sunday, we will continue the series of messages on Living in Darkness, living as a follower of Jesus in a world of darkness. This Sunday we will look at Psalm 3, and how the Israelite king, David dealt with the darkness during a difficult time in his. May God guide us as we reflect on Psalm 3, helping us realize our need to be close to Him. Let God's Spirit and Jesus' example inspire us to make choices that bring a full and meaningful life in God's family and kingdom.

Amaury Gutierrez on Unsplash

Prayer Guide for March 11-16

To assist you in meditating on Psalm 2 this week, the CCC leadership team has provided a weekly prayer guide to accompany the sermon from this past Sunday. The prayer guide is accessible in both physical and digital formats Be sure to pick up or save/bookmark a copy for to pray and reflect on Psalm 2 this week..

MERGE Madness is a youth event for 6-12th grade students at the Clarence Church of Christ. Kids will have the fantastic opportunity to stand alongside other students from our sisterhood of churches in worship, praise, and fun! This event is tailored for students to encounter the timelessness of God in a fun environment.

Would you consider giving a few hours (or more) of your time to help make this event happen over the days of March 22nd-23rd? Check here for ways that you can participate.

For further ways to be involved, contact Mitchell Knight.

February 28, 2024

Have you figured it out yet? You're “roof.” What is the barrier that is keeping you from seeking Jesus more profoundly? Mitch Knight proclaimed the good news of Jesus to us this past Sunday, emphasizing that Jesus is calling. What's holding you back from answering His call? Jesus may be reaching out to you in various ways. Perhaps He is prompting you to notice that the person who usually sits in front of you during worship hasn't been there in a couple of weeks, and He may be urging you to check in with them. He might be calling you to initiate a conversation or extend an invitation to dinner to that friendly person you know, who doesn't know Jesus but isn't currently in a relationship with Him. Or, it may be your own insecurities overshadowing the hope that Jesus is offering your life. Alternatively, it could be debt or relational brokenness that seems too big to overcome or be healed. Whatever your obstacle may be, I encourage you to take the step of faith to seek Jesus and the healing and fullness of life that He wants to bring beyond your current situation or trial. Mitch highlighted this holistic healing that Jesus came to bring in this snippet from last Sunday, focusing on the healing of the paralytic...

Below you will find other CCC updates and resources for participating in the body of Christ over the coming weeks.

See you Sunday if not before then!

Jordan Byrd

Sunday, March 3rd - Psalm 1

This Sunday, we will explore the first four Psalms in the book of Psalms. Despite constant encouragement to believe in societal progress, it's hard to ignore the brokenness surrounding us. Living as a follower of Jesus in this world often feels like navigating in darkness – a result of our separation from God.

Throughout this message series, you will reflect on Psalms 1-4, considering the impact of others' sin on your life and vice versa. In essence, we experience separation from ourselves, others, and creation because we, along with the rest of the world, have separated from God.

This Sunday, may God guide us to realize our desperate need to be connected to Him. May God’s Spirit and the example of Jesus inspire steps of obedience, bringing us closer to God.

To assist in processing the steps of obedience that God’s Word may be guiding you to take, the CCC leadership team is providing a weekly prayer guide. Accessible in both physical and digital formats every Sunday starting March 3rd, be sure to pick up or save/bookmark a copy for reference throughout the week.

Everything around us is changing so fast that it can be hard to keep up. Our jobs, relationships, and life circumstances are constantly changing. However, God is our rock throughout time because ‘he is the same yesterday, and today, and forever.’ God remains unchanged in a changing world. His love and faithfulness to us are Timeless!

MERGE Madness is a youth event for 6-12th grade students at the Clarence Church of Christ. Kids will have the fantastic opportunity to stand alongside other students from our sisterhood of churches in worship, praise, and fun!

We would love to have you here on March 22nd-23rd!

CCC members have a terrific opportunity to serve and make this an awesome event for students to encounter the timelessness of God in a fun environment. To help meet these needs, contact Mitchell Knight.

Below is a snapshot of the numbers of God’s word that were distributed through CAS in 2023, allowing people with little to no access to God’s word to encounter the Jesus within, who is the embodiment of God’s word. Your support of Safaa and Mona through CAS participates in ministry like this.

120 Bibles of big size letters for elderly people and graduates from literacy classes.

1809 Regular size Bibles for individuals and churches.

299 Big size pictorial colored Bibles for kids.

450 Individual big size pictorial stories of the Bibles.

3347 Big size New Testaments.

9101 Parts of the Old Testament and New Testament for adults.

100 Small-size machines, called “Listen to the Bible” for the blind and illiterate.

February 21, 2024

We humans all desire to be pursued, to be wanted in one way or another. We long to be part of something important and meaningful. However, frequently, we find ourselves on the wrong side of that desire—where we aren't pursued by a significant other, selected for a job, or given a chance for our participation to matter.

At times, if we're honest, we may feel as though God treats us the same way: that God doesn't love us, want us, or include us. When we succumb to this temptation, we can end up distancing ourselves from God and the abundant life He has for us. The good news is that the word of God — through the lens of the life of Jesus — reveals God differently.

Below, you'll find the two parts of a visual that I shared this past Sunday, illustrating how God is different — how God pursues us, and how he calls us to pursue others to be disciples of Jesus. Take a look…

Below are some practical ways that you can respond to God’s pursuit of you; and your pursuit of others to be disciples of Jesus…

Ways to encounter God's pursuit of you through His Word at CCC:

- Sunday gatherings

- Kids/youth gatherings

- Weekly/monthly groups: Men's group, Flourish, Ladies Bible study, The Chosen Group

- CCC Connection and social media posts

Other ways to encounter God's pursuit of you through His Word:

- Establishing a regular rhythm of meditation on God's Word

- Developing a regular rhythm of listening to God in prayer

- Reading about those a step ahead of us in the faith to spark our imagination of how God might be pursuing us

- Being with those a step ahead of us in the faith, seeking their presence and guidance

- Listening to worship music to hear the testimony of how God is pursuing you

How are you pursuing others for Jesus, following His example of pursuing you? Who are you actively pursuing for Jesus? Are there individuals in your life currently turned away and disconnected from God, or those who are behind you in following Jesus?

One biblical example of this pursuit is seen in the relationship between Paul and Timothy and the churches they served: God pursued Paul > Paul pursued Timothy > Timothy pursued the people of the church in Ephesus.

Who are those a few steps behind you in following Jesus, whom you can actively pursue to help them mature in their faith?

Ways to pursue others for Jesus through CCC:

- Engage with guests during Sunday gatherings

- Volunteer for kids/youth gatherings

- Reach out to guests or those a step behind you in the faith during weekly/monthly groups: Men's group, Flourish, Ladies Bible study, The Chosen Group

- Share CCC Connection or social media posts with those a step behind you in the faith

- Join the Prayer Team to pursue the needs and concerns of others for Jesus

- Contribute to the Mission's team to initiate resources and missionary presence for those disconnected from Jesus

- Participate in the Finance team to initiate resources for those a step behind you in the faith through the church

- Consider being a ministry leader to actively serve the church

Other ways to pursue others for Jesus:

- Pursue your spouse for Jesus

- Pursue your kids, family, boss, teacher, co-workers, classmates, and people of peace for Jesus

- Pursue unreached people with whom you have a relationship for Jesus

- Pursue "Unclean," "untouchable," and "undesirable" people in your life for Jesus

Pursue others for Jesus like Jesus pursues you.

Below you will find other CCC updates and resources for participating in the body of Christ over the coming weeks.

See you Sunday if not before then!

Jordan Byrd

Read and begin reflecting on Luke 5:17-32 before the sermon on Sunday

This Sunday we will conclude the series of messages from the Gospel of Luke, focusing on reframing/refocusing on the life, ministry, and mission of Jesus as the standard for our own lives. This Sunday, Mitchell Knight will be helping us reflect on our orientation to Jesus as healer and restorer of life. May God guide us in taking steps of obedience toward becoming more like Jesus this Sunday.

Merge Madness 2024, March 22nd-23rd.

Everything around us is changing so fast that it can be hard to keep up. Our jobs, relationships, and life circumstances are constantly changing. However, God is our rock throughout time because ‘he is the same yesterday, and today, and forever.’ God remains unchanged in a changing world. His love and faithfulness to us are Timeless!

MERGE Madness is a youth event for 6-12th grade students at the Clarence Church of Christ. Kids will have the fantastic opportunity to stand alongside other students from our sisterhood of churches in worship, praise, and fun!

We would love to have you here on March 22nd-23rd!

CCC members have a terrific opportunity to serve and make this an awesome event for students to encounter the timelessness of God in a fun environment. To help meet these needs, contact Mitchell Knight.

During the first four Sundays of March, the sermons will center around Psalms 1-4, prompting reflection on the influence of sin and its extensive effects on our lives. Because of sin (humanity’s separation from God), we find ourselves living in darkness. To complement this series, a prayer guide is being offered to facilitate a deeper engagement with these psalms beyond the Sunday sermons. The guide will be released weekly, with both physical and digital copies accessible each Sunday, starting March 3rd.

What does being “baptized” mean?
(maybe more than you think)…

To baptize means to immerse into, so as to take on the nature or identity of the immersion. For example, in those days [the first century] you would baptize a piece of fabric in red dye, and the fabric would become red. One would then say that the fabric had been baptized in red and therefore into red. It had taken on the very substance of what it was baptized into. This concept of baptism was representative of a new identity. To be baptized in (and into) the name of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is a visible picture of a new reality. Your new baptismal identity is a child of God the Father, born again by the Spirit; a servant of King Jesus and an extension of his servant-like rule and reign on the earth; and a sent one, empowered by the Holy Spirit to be a witness to the world of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection. A disciple of Jesus is a changed person with an entirely new nature and identity, which leads to an entirely new way of living.

Jeff Vanderstelt, from the free book, One-Eighty: A Return to Disciple-Making, get a free copy of the book here:

February 14, 2024

(section added on 2-14-24, 3:19pm)

Jesus can handle you saying something immature, selfish, or shallow. This past Sunday, Sean Cronin proclaimed the good news that God has our best in mind. God is a good Father (perhaps you think of the song with a similar title), as Luke 11:11-13 describes,

"Which of you fathers, if your son asks for a fish, will give him a snake instead? Or if he asks for an egg, will give him a scorpion? If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!"

God is a good Father who wants to hear our wants, no matter how ridiculous they might be. We get a glimpse of this from the life of Jesus in Mark 10:35-38,

Then James and John, the sons of Zebedee, came to him. "Teacher," they said, "we want you to do for us whatever we ask." "What do you want me to do for you?" he asked. They replied, "Let one of us sit at your right and the other at your left in your glory." "You don't know what you are asking," Jesus said. "Can you drink the cup I drink or be baptized with the baptism I am baptized with?"

When James and John came to Jesus, they presented their request, and Jesus asked, "What do you want me to do for you?" Jesus wanted to hear their desires. However, he also recognized, through the lens of the will of his Heavenly Father, that their request pertained to the kingdom of James and John, and not the kingdom of God.

Jesus eventually said "no" to their selfish, shallow request for earthly power, choosing instead to say "yes" to granting them the opportunity to have power in God's kingdom as his witnesses. Give your honest wants to God, but know that He is wise enough to see past our desires and provide what we truly need for the abundant life that he desires for us.

As referenced on Sunday, our wants often intersect with our finances and resources. While our requests to God can easily lean towards our personal and earthly desires (e.g., more money, a better job, improved housing, a newer car, the latest clothes, etc.), God may answer our requests with a "no" to say "yes" to something beyond ourselves.

God calls us to trust Him with our needs, just like the birds of the air. But God also calls us to become like Jesus – to desire what He desired, shaping our wants according to Jesus. And what Jesus wanted was to live out the will and heart of God, to love through self-sacrifice and service, and to be generous at the cost of His own desires. How might God be saying “no” to your wants, to say “yes” to his Kingdom? How might He be guiding you to be generous with your income and resources to allow your generosity to fund faithful ministry in and through the church? How might God be re-directing your wants and desires to meet the needs of those around you?

While God wants our honesty in prayer (it can be argued that this is what God commends Job for at the end of the book of Job – that he was honest with God while Job’s friends were not), He is so good that He won't give us anything less than the best. The best God has for us is His life, the kingdom of God.

James 5:16 reminds us not just to pray alone but also to "pray for one another." Below are several opportunities to come together to pray for one another. Almost every CCC group that meets throughout the week/month includes an aspect of prayer, even the children’s and youth gatherings. If you are not connected to such a group, I encourage you to connect to one and take a step toward being in community with others to pray for others, and for others to pray for you.

Alternatively, invite someone further ahead of you in following Jesus and someone further behind you in following Jesus to join you in prayer (over coffee, a video call, or a text thread). In doing so, God can use the example of the person ahead of you in following Jesus to help shape what you want from God – the more abundant things. Simultaneously, God can use your example for the person further behind you in following Jesus to be shaped in what they want from God – the more abundant things. This is how prayer and being disciples of Jesus and making disciples happen: each of us being with Jesus, to learn from Jesus how to be like Jesus.

If you would like the church body and/or the leadership of the church to pray for your current situation, please look to the bottom right corner of your screen, where it says, “Next Steps.” There you can submit a prayer request and also ask for further follow-up if desired. I hope you will take a step closer to the heart of God this week in how you pray, who you gather with, or how you seek God in how you can serve the church and those God places in your path.

Below you will find other CCC updates and resources for participating in the body of Christ over the coming weeks.

See you Sunday if not before then!


Jordan Byrd

Read and begin reflecting on Luke 5:1-16 before the sermon on Sunday

This Sunday we will continue the series of messages focused on reframing/refocusing on the life, ministry, and mission of Jesus as the standard for our own lives. We will be looking at the example of Jesus calling his first disciples. We’ll also be looking at the type of life that Jesus calls these disciples and a leper toward in his interaction with them. May God guide us in taking steps of obedience toward becoming more like Jesus this Sunday. May we be receptive to the depth of the good news that Jesus has to offer our lives.

R.&R. D. (CCC Mission partners in Alleyland)

While we can celebrate the adoption of a new Alley sister. R. & R. have shared how this new sister’s journey has been difficult in Alleyland. Please pr*y for this new sister to remained fixed on The Way of Light and not give way to the thief of darkness.

Quote to reflect on…

"Eternal life is not just life after death. Eternal life is a whole new kind of living made possible now by the very life of God in you." (Jeff Vanderstelt, from the free book:

I shared the following a few weeks ago during this sermon, but still think the amount of digital data that is estimated to be created each day by the year 2025 is astounding: 181 zetabytes!!! I didn’t even know what a zetabyte was until I read this data. Hopefully it’s as interesting to you as it is to me.

The Chosen Group (jump in anytime):

Watch and catch-up on the overall story told throughout seasons 1-3 of the Bible-based show, The Chosen. The viewing of these episodes will lead up to the spring release of the season 4 episodes of the show. The group meets in the CCC youth room from 8:30am-9:45am. Contact Dave and Deb Farley to connect further.

Merge Youth Group:

Meets this weekend. For 6th-12th grade-aged kids. Sunday nights, 6:30pm-8:30pm. Meets in CCC youth room. Games and Bible lesson: continuing to look at the fruits of the Spirit. Contact Mitch Knight for more information.

Impact Kids:

"Little Impact" (PreK-1st) or "Big Impact" (1st-5th), parental preference for Grade 1. Kids participate in games, lessons, crafts, and reflection. They join parents for initial worship songs, then meet with class leaders during prayer time in the lobby. Parents pick up kids in classrooms after worship. Contact Mitch Knight for more information.

Ladies Bible Study:

Meets at CCC on the first and third Thursdays of the month, 10:30am-11:30am. Contact Linda Cronin for more information.

Flourish Ladies:

Meets at CCC on the second and fourth Wednesdays of the month, 6:30pm-8:30pm. Currently discussing Justin Whitmel Earley’s book, Made for People. Contact Bobbie Ludwick, Valerie Hubert or Renee Paul for more information.

Guys Work Group:

Meets from 9am-11am at CCC. Coffee, treats, conversation, and a little upkeep work around the church building/property. Contact Dan Corbett for more information.

A CCC hosted event for 6th-12th grade-aged kids (local and regional), March 22-23. Be on the lookout for the opportunity to sign-up and participate as a kid or help as an adult. Contact Mitch Knight for more information.