May 22, 2024 - Live your true identity.

In 2002, my brother and I applied for passports to go on a mission trip to Honduras. Somehow, we mistakenly signed each other’s passports. We were told to just cross out the wrong signatures and add the correct ones, which made me anxious that my identity would be accepted at customs. Fortunately, it all worked out okay.

We all use identification to indicate who we are to others. Overall, what would you say is your primary identity?

In 1 Corinthians 6, Paul challenges the Corinthians to consider their true identity. They were caught up in their culture's values of power and prestige, leading to disunity and exploitation. Paul asks whether their primary identity is as Corinthians or as citizens of God’s kingdom. In our context, we’re asked to consider if our primary identity is as Americans (or based on our gender, sexuality, culture, or status) or as citizens of God’s kingdom.

Our actions reflect our primary identity. Identifying with the world means living by its distorted standards, separated from God. Identifying with Christ means embodying His values of restoration and true justice. God offers us a fuller identity through Jesus, calling us to live as citizens of His kingdom.

So, who are you? Are you primarily living as a citizen of God’s kingdom or according to another identity? Consider the true life that Jesus offers. Embrace your identity in Him, confess and repent where needed, and let His teachings guide your actions. Live your true identity in Jesus.

Below, see further CCC updates and resources for participating in the body of Christ and God’s mission.

Continue to trust that God is present and active. See you Sunday if not before then!


If you missed the first Share Your Faith Workshop last Sunday, Sean Cronin discussed the five levels of conversation that help move a dialogue with a stranger from casual to gospel-focused:

1. Casual

2. Personal

3. Meaningful

4. Spiritual

5. Gospel

Another session will be held this Sunday, May 26th, following worship. Consecutive attendance isn’t necessary to participate.

This Friday, May 24th, is the next Merge (6-12th grades) "One" Day event at Akron Falls Park. It will be 2pm-5pm, and we will be meeting right at Akron Falls (44 Parkview Dr, Akron, NY 14001).

There will be some hiking to start, and some outdoor games in the more open areas for all of us to enjoy. Please encourage your kids to invite a friend if they haven't already!

Come with a water bottle for hydration, sunscreen if needed, as well as having eaten already. Forward any questions to Mitch Knight.

Check out for summer program dates and more. You can help prep the campground on May 25th, 9am-6pm. Tasks: building cleanup, groundskeeping, and small projects.

In 2024, if you buy a product online or want to try a new restaurant, you’ve likely checked out an online review beforehand. Like it or not, reviews make a strong first impression and influence people's choices, including where they attend church. It would be a great help if you could leave a simple review about the impact CCC has had on your life and your growth in Christ. You can leave a Google review here, and help others be encouraged to take a step toward experiencing Jesus with us.

This Sunday, May 26th, we’ll reflect and respond to God’s Word in 1 Corinthians 6:12-20. I pray you’ll be open to God’s Spirit directing and shaping your life where it needs to intersect further with Jesus’ abundant way of life.