In the divided and tribalistic world we live in, it’s easy to be drawn to one side of an issue over another. As followers of Jesus, this can be tricky, as we believe in the objectively revealed truth in God’s word. How can we avoid contributing to tribalism and division when compromising on truth isn’t an option? Ultimately, the determination of right and wrong lies in God’s infinite wisdom, not our limited perspective. In a world separated from God, creation, and each other by sin, unity is not fully attainable on our own. We need someone to bring clarity and correct our perspectives.
So, is there anything we can do? Absolutely. We can participate in this process. One word sums up the difference a follower of Jesus can have, compared to the proud and arrogant and divisive ways of the world: posture. We can adopt the posture Jesus takes with us. We can emulate Jesus’ humble, compassionate, and loving posture toward us and others. This does not mean compromising on truth, but it does mean approaching the truth with a posture that is non-manipulative, non-coercive, and non-mean-spirited.
We can live out the truth from a posture of care. We can speak the truth with concern and curiosity, wanting to understand why others don’t see the truth as we do, and recognizing them as people with real struggles, concerns, and frustrations with the way a broken world is experienced. Taking the loving posture of Jesus allows space for God’s presence in our interactions, enabling God’s Spirit to bring connection rather than division, allowing God’s Spirit to convict and make hearts long for more than a skewed version of truth. As Mitch preached this past Sunday, knowledge of the truth is good, but love is greater. May we continue to allow Jesus to shape and mold us to interact with others in the posture he took, while steadfastly holding to the truth.
Below, see further CCC updates and resources for participating in the body of Christ and God’s mission.
Continue to trust that God is present and active. See you Sunday if not before then!
Join us in hosting a fun, four-day, Bible, mystery-themed experience – helping kids (PreK to 5th grade) explore some big questions about God. Volunteers needed for set-up, registration, tech support, group guides, general assistance, cleanup, and more. Contact Alexandra Fish to get involved and help kids discover the abundant life God has for them!
This Sunday, June 30th, we will conclude the Holy Wholly: Sanctified Unity series from 1 Corinthians 1-9 by reflecting on 1 Corinthians 9. Starting Sunday, July 7th, we will begin a new series called Ordered: God’s Order for Living and Worship, exploring God’s revealed order for living and worship as given in 1 Corinthians 10-16. This series will run through July and August.