Confidence in the God Who Rights Wrongs
Every time I visit Niagara Falls, I’m struck by the endless flow of water—constant, powerful, unstoppable. It has flowed for centuries, and we can be confident it will continue. But what about when life feels uncertain? Where do we place our confidence when truth seems distorted and wrongs seem unchecked?
The believers Peter wrote to in 2 Peter 2 faced similar struggles. False teachers promoted greed, arrogance, and distorted desires as the “good life,” challenging the truth revealed in Jesus. In our world today, competing voices still attempt to redefine what is right. We’re tempted to place our confidence in ourselves, others, or human systems to fix the mess. Yet, Peter reminds us that God has always righted wrongs, is doing so now, and will ultimately set everything right.
God has a proven track record. He dealt with rebellious angels, the corruption of Noah’s time, and the sin of Sodom. He never ignored evil then, and He isn’t ignoring it now. Even when correction seems delayed, it is not absent—God is actively working to address falsehood and injustice.
So, how should we respond? Be confident in Jesus. Trust that God is handling what we cannot. Instead of fighting to control or fix everything, we can be faithful to His truth and let Him do the heavy lifting.
Where are you tempted to rely on your own strength (or the strength of someone else) instead of God’s ability to deal with falsehood and injustice?
How can you embody an uncommon presence through confidence in God’s truth and ability this week?
Are you willing to surrender areas of doubt and trust that He is at work to right what’s wrong?
Just as we trust that Niagara Falls will keep flowing, we can trust that God is actively righting wrongs. God has righted, is righting, and will right all wrongs.
This Sunday Mitch Knight will continue to help us prepare for an eternal, abundant life with Jesus by guiding us to reflect through 2 Peter 2:10-22.
Join us at CCC to help pack 70,000 GAP meals for emergency and relief efforts worldwide in partnership with There’s a role for all ages to contribute! Volunteer to pack meals for a few hours on Saturday, February 1 (starting at 9 a.m.), and/or Sunday, February 2 (worship gathering at 10 a.m., packing begins at 11 a.m.).
Details for the food pack on Sunday:
Light snacks, along with water and other drinks, will be available between worship and the food packing. Anyone who would like to contribute additional food items is welcome to do so to help provide a greater variety of snacks. Please note that consuming food and drinks (other than water) should be avoided in the gym during the packing process.
Who could you invite to the Ides Food pack this weekend?
February 9th Linger-After
On February 9th, following the 10am worship gathering, there will be a linger-after with some light food available. Feel free to hang around, catch up with someone, or get to know someone new. You are welcome to contribute any additional foods, if you feel inclined. Please contact Valerie Hubert with any questions.
New Opportunity for Guys
Sean Cronin is starting a Men’s Huddle for the purpose of encouraging each other in their walk with Jesus. The group will meet Sundays from 8:30am-9:40am in the church library. All men are welcome to participate. The first gathering will be this Sunday, January 26th. Connect with Sean for any further questions.
Continue to trust that God is present and active.