This month is inspiring me to make prayer a more consistent, intentional part of my day. I’m busy and stressed and all of that stuff. And I know you are too. But it did occur to me that I could find 10 minutes. I mean I play word games on my phone every morning. But I want to try to make sure my days are devoted to Him and not just to the million things I think are important. So I could do less of the screen time and take 5-10 minutes to pray and try to hear from God. So I’m going to try. Want to try with me.
Sometimes I use a devotional from the Youversion Bible app. You can do a short reading a few Bible verses and a prayer. Sometimes it’s is nice to pray along with a written prayer because my mind can’t find the words (especially at 5:30am!). Ok, that is technically screen time, I realize, but with better purpose.
And it’s nice to do it with other people. So let me know. :-)