I don't know if the story of David and Goliath took place on April 1........but it should have. Who would've believed it? In this corner, hailing from Gaza, standing 9' 9'', weighing 435 lbs, not including armor that weighs 150 lbs..... the undisputed, undefeated heavyweight of the world.........Goliath the great.
And in this corner, hailing from Bethlehem, standing 5' 5", weighing 135 lbs. the unknown, unheralded challenger.....ummmm.....what's his name.......David the Runt.
Let's get ready to RUMBLE!
Nobody gave him a shot. Not his mocking brothers......not his skeptical king...... not his incredulous opponent.
Everyone was in awe of Goliath. David was in awe of God.
Everyone thought Goliath was too big to hit. David thought Goliath was too big to miss.
Everyone else was Goliath fearing. Only David was God fearing.
Even those who don't know much about the Bible know the story of "David and the dwarf" as Charles Swindoll puts it. From where did David get his perspective? Clearly he had spent a lot of alone time with God, meditating on his batting average of 1000. God had never failed. God brought a million plus people out of slavery in Egypt. This is what David's dad had taught him and this is what he believed. Then David had the wilderness experience. Two pelts were hanging in David's tent. That of a lion and bear. One he seized by the hair and killed it.
The youngest guy on the battle lines was one hundred percent confident in his skills and his God. Apparently he thought that if God is for us who can be against us. Please note.....older people with more life experience with the Almighty were not willing to dare. A child led the way.
As I read the story I count eight times that "the runt" mentions God. How amazing. A young man whose conversation, imagination and actions were dominated by God.
He knelt at the brook then he was up and running. His brothers couldn't believe their eyes. It happened so fast.....one shot and it was OVER. He WAS too big to miss!
When news reached home Jesse, David's dad had to think it was a joke.....an April Fools day prank. My son....the runt....took down the giant? No way!
The man who misses all the fun, Is he who says, "It can't be done." In solemn pride he stands aloof And greets each venture with reproof. Had he the power he'd efface The history of the human race. We'd have no radio or motor cars, no streets lit by electric stars; No telegraph nor telephone, we'd linger in the age of stone. The world would sleep if things were run By men who say, "It can't be done."
David said, "The battle is the Lord's." Everybody I know is facing a giant of some kind. You can stay frozen in fear or grab a stone and start running. With God's help it can be done.
Start slinging stones.........the giant is too big to miss. No foolin!
Happily, MB