When my wife Julia works late, it falls on me to prepare dinner for our kids. Julia is a gifted cook, unlike me. And while my meals may not be gourmet, my willingness to serve the need is what matters most on those days. This mirrors 1 Corinthians 12: willingness to serve is more important than one's specific gifts.
Paul emphasizes that gifts are given by God to express His work through us for the common good. The unity in the body of Christ means recognizing that our varied gifts are meant to support each other. If one part suffers, all parts suffer with it; if one part is honored, all parts rejoice with it (1 Corinthians 12:26).
The challenge is to serve the need, no matter how we're gifted. Our willingness to serve reflects the mindset of Jesus, who, though divine, took on the nature of a servant (Philippians 2:5-7).
Consider what needs you see around you and how you can serve, even if it’s not your strongest suit. Your willingness to serve is the first step. Be part of God’s work to redeem and renew the world. Serve the need however God’s gifted you.
Below, see further CCC updates and resources for participating in the body of Christ and God’s mission.
Continue to trust that God is present and active. See you Sunday if not before then!
Click/tap image for a sharable flyer
Join us in hosting a fun, four-day, Bible, mystery-themed experience – helping kids (PreK to 5th grade) explore some big questions about God. Volunteers needed for set-up, registration, tech support, group guides, general assistance, cleanup, and more. Contact Alexandra Fish to get involved and help kids discover the abundant life God has for them!
consider joining me in prayer and fasting on Wednesdays, fasting from breakfast and praying from 8:28 am until 9:15 am. Join in-person at the CCC auditorium or online via Zoom here: https://clarence-cc.squarespace.com/connect
To prepare the CCC building for the Kids Summer Extravaganza, several areas need cleaning beyond the usual weekly tasks. As a church, we are ALL stewards of the worship space God has entrusted to us.
Please consider cleaning part of the church building on Saturday, August 3rd, from 9 am to 12 pm (or at another time of your convenience between now and August 18th).
To our sisters in Christ, we pray you are well and looking forward to the Ladies Retreat. We are looking forward to presenting it to you. Our speaker will be Suzanne Bracci, a Christian Life Coach and author from Western New York. Reserve the dates of September 13-14, 2024 to attend. We want each of you to know that God loves you, has given you gifts you may not be aware of, or as our kids mature, our purpose changes. These times can be scary and/or frustrating and Suzanne will speak to us on Saturday of our uniqueness as women of God in the Scriptures and putting on the Mindset of Christ. Registration fees are as follows. If possible please register and send to Mountainview Christian Camp, c/o Sharon Schmaltz, Registrar, 7240 Dryer Road, Victor, NY 14564 (registration form enclosed): $35 Weekend, $20 Friday, $20 Saturday. As always, there will be a registration table at the camp if you come in later at camp. ALL LADIES 18 YEARS AND OLDER ARE WELCOME. There will be music, fun and catching up with friends we haven’t seen. Save the date now! It can be a great time to decompress after all the preparation to send our children to school as well as a time for the kids to bond with Dad for 24 hours. Please consider the benefits of taking time out to be rejuvenated with other sisters in Christ and to commune with our Heavenly Father. September is a wonderful time to do that before the Fall schedules return to normal. Please feel free to contact Valerie Hubert with any questions.
This Sunday, July 28th, Mitch Knight will help us reflect on 1 Corinthians 13. I hope you’re anticipating God to call you further into his way of life this Sunday.