In Malachi, God reveals the unfaithfulness of His people: unfaithfulness in their relationship with Him, which trickled down to unfaithfulness in their marriages and other relationships. Malachi’s prophecy served as a blunt reminder of the reason for faithfulness: it is an essential aspect of God’s character. Faithfulness in human relationships acts as a signpost, pointing to God’s faithfulness in the world. Specifically in Malachi, God highlights His faithfulness to the covenant He made with Abraham’s family, from whom the recipients of Malachi’s prophecy were descended.
Faithfulness isn’t just a stodgy virtue; it’s a vibrant and real experience of God’s life intersecting with ours and impacting the lives of others. To withhold faithfulness is to obscure part of God’s presence in the world. While faithfulness is meaningful, it isn’t always easy. Remaining faithful to imperfect, broken, and limited people requires persistence. As Sean Cronin mentioned this past Sunday, faithfulness isn’t established in a single day—it is cultivated daily.
God has been unfailingly faithful to us each day, and we are invited to participate in that same faithfulness. Faithfulness to God isn’t built in a moment; it grows through daily encounters with Him in His Word, in prayer, and among His people. Similarly, faithfulness to our spouse, family, or friends isn’t formed overnight. It develops through daily acts of love and connection, expressed in a multitude of ways (e.g., the five love languages).
This week, what specific step of simple faithfulness is God’s Spirit calling you to take—with Him or with others?
This Sunday, Mitch Knight will be preaching from the next passage in our series from Malachi (2:17-3:5). I hope you'll plan to gather to praise and worship Jesus, be edified by the body of Christ, hear the good news of Jesus, and be invited to live further into Jesus' abundant life!
From Jesus Prom 2024
Thank you so much to the 20+ CCCers who generously gave their time, talent, and treasure to be the hands and feet of Jesus to our Jesus Prom guests! Over 80 individuals were blessed through this event. We’re especially grateful for our older youth group students and Mitch Knight, who took the lead in planning and overseeing the event. Well done, faithful servants of King Jesus!
Christmas Giving Project: We’re excited to bless many families and individuals this season. Thank you all for your incredible generosity in providing the items needed for this project!
The remaining support needed is help with wrapping lots of toys. Wrapping will take place in the CCC youth room on:
Friday, December 20th from 2 PM to 4 PM
Saturday, December 21st from 4 PM to 6 PM (with pizza provided).
Additionally, immediately following the worship gathering on Sunday, December 22nd, we’ll pack boxes for each family/individual in the youth room and lobby. While donating items is important, the relational aspect of packing the boxes as a community or family is just as meaningful. Following the packing, if you’re willing and able to deliver a box (or more) to the recipients - your help would be greatly appreciated.
All of this can only happen with your support as we come together as the body of Christ to be His hands and feet, working to bless those around us. May God richly bless this effort for his Kingdom’s growth!
(December 28, 2pm-5pm) Drop into the Clarence Church of Christ and catch up with Hector, Joy, Lucia, and Gaby, enjoy some Mexican snacks, and learn more about what God is doing in Mexico. Let us know you’re stopping by!
Text “ccc” to (833) 304-0788 to get texts about upcoming events, activities, snow closures, and opportunities to get involved.
Continue to trust that God is present and active.