Deceptive “truths”

A young woman sits at the table waiting for her interview. She is very talented and well-skilled. She has aspired to be a top-level leader in this company. This is her chance. And few woman have been able to reach such a position in this company.

As she waits for the interview, she looks for a last bit of something to give herself confidence in the interview. It’s then that she remembers the words that she has heard over and over before: “You are enough.” “Yeah.” She thinks. I am enough. I’ve got this.

Now, this young woman is striving to follow Jesus. As a follower of Jesus, is the idea of: “I am enough” good for her to believe? On the surface, the idea can be good, as each of us is enough by how we’ve been blessed, gifted and resourced and poured into by people, schooling, opportunities, etc. Each of us are enough, but only because of the contributions of many to make us capable of taking on challenges in life. Ultimately, each of us is enough because of God’s presence and work in our lives. The danger of the idea of “I am enough” is that it can tempt any of us to believe that taking on any challenge is up to our self alone.

Like the young woman above, the temptation can be to believe that she is enough to get the position in the company that she wants. This temptation is all the more strong the further away from God that we live life. If allowed to become a dominant belief in this young woman’s life, she could soon find herself believing more in herself than in all of the realities that contributed to her being enough for such a position. Ultimately, it can lead to her believing more in herself than in God, from whom all of her blessings and education and talents are ultimately sourced.

“I am enough” sounds good. And, as mentioned earlier, it can be good - when viewed in the right context. But it has become a truth of our age that many place their belief. It is a truth among many other “good sounding” truths that people believe and place their faith – displacing God in the process. Some of those “truths” include the following (as adapted from Alisa Childer’s book, Live Your Truth).

The first group of “truths” revolve around a belief in “me first.” These include the “I am enough” “truth.” But it also includes “truths” like: “live your truth (live whatever seems right to you)” and “put yourself first.” Another group of “truths” revolves around our avoidance of the reality of death, or the temptation to get the most out of life before we die. These “truths” include: “authenticity is everything” and “you only live once (YOLO)” and “do what makes you happy.” Finally, there is a group of “truths” that revolve around the distortion of actually true realities. These “truths” include: “you shouldn’t judge (that judgment of any kind is never needed)” and “you’re the boss of you (that there is no such thing as objective truth)” and “love means agreeing (that love is incompatible with disagreement).”

Belief in all of these “truths” displaces us from the truth of how God created the world. Belief in all of these “truths” displaces us from the truth of how Jesus lived and taught his followers to live. These truths displace God altogether, or disguise the truths as something lesser than what it is. Once we see these “truths” being believed by us or others around us, we can see how we aren’t so different from the people of ancient times. Our day and age may not have gods made of wood and stone. But we do have gods made of ideas and concepts; and they are just as misleading to place our faith and belief that they are what’s best for us.

How is Jesus good news?

The good news of the kingdom of God

In the gospels (the Christian Scriptural writings of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John), Jesus describes his mission as proclaiming the good news of the kingdom of God. As the story of Jesus’ earthly life unfolds, it is revealed that Jesus, himself, is the fulfillment of the good news of God’s kingdom. Simply put, Jesus’ life was received as good news to those who received him.

We get a little more insight into the good news that accompanied Jesus life in Luke 4, where Jesus indicates that he is the fulfillment of the prophecy from Isaiah 58 and 61, where it says, “The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.”

How Jesus was good news

Jesus indicates that his life is good news to the impoverished, the imprisoned, those who can’t see, and the oppressed. And as one reads or listens to the gospel accounts (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John), you get a sense in which Jesus was welcomed good news for all of these life-robbing situations. Jesus provided food and health for people who were impoverished, where the societal-human systems failed to provide. Jesus freed people imprisoned by tax burdens, or crippling disease, insanity, or even death, where nothing else could do so. Jesus brought clarity of sight for people who physically couldn’t see, where nothing else could restore their sight; and clarity of thought for people who struggled to understand the world around them, where they were held in the dark about such things by other authorities or narratives. Jesus brought purpose and meaning and belonging to people who were ignored, left out, or scape-goated for another’s benefit, where nothing else made those realities possible.

More than here-and-now

And while there were direct, physical, here-and-now ways in which Jesus provided for these life-robbing situations, it was not the only way that Jesus brought good news. Jesus opened people’s eyes to the reality of God’s eternal kingdom. Jesus forecasted what fullness of life is like when all people live under God’s authority. Jesus showed that in God’s kingdom, provision of food and health is broader than mere food and medical treatment. Jesus also showed that poverty is correlated to a separation from the source of all things: God.

Jesus showed that in God’s kingdom, imprisonment was more than just shackles, jail bars, and physical disease. Jesus also showed that imprisonment is correlated to a world that is feeling the butterfly affect of years upon years of choices made apart from the way that God created us to live - from the compounding of hurt feelings acted out toward others, to the compounding entropy of disease and natural phenomena that have resulted in the broken world that we experience today.

Jesus showed that in God’s kingdom, restoration of sight is more than just correcting the structure of the eye; or that clarity of thought is brought about by more than mere rules and regulations. Jesus also showed that blindness is correlated to seeing things as they really are - from the perspective of the creator of the world; and that clarity of thought is correlated to seeing the world beyond the here and now and our singular perspective, to seeing the world from the perspective of the Lord who has existed and been present throughout all time.

Jesus showed that in God’s kingdom, meaning, purpose and belonging are more than just being in a social, human group that is accepted. Jesus also showed that meaning, purpose, and belonging are correlated to inclusion into the life of God, as a child in the family of God.

While there were tangible intersects of the good news of Jesus in the here and now on earth, the good news of Jesus was about something far greater than just immediate needs being met. The good news of Jesus was that God is the better provider, giver of freedom, healer, or place of belonging than anything else that a person could turn to on earth.

You may be thinking, well that is all well and good for those who encountered Jesus in the first century, but what does that have to do with me today?

What about today?

The reality is that we all find ourselves with needs; and sometimes those needs change based on circumstances. For example, you may have lost your job. And while provision of another job is something that God can help provide. The even greater reality is that, as a follower of Jesus, as a child of God – you can never lose your job as a partner in bringing to bear God’s kingdom on earth. That job is the job that will continue beyond your nursing, accounting, manager, laborer, entrepreneurial job in the here and now. For God’s kingdom is coming to bear in reality for eternity, and that is where your work will have lasting value; and it’s where your particular skills will find their ultimate value and utilization.

Or take another example, failing a test at school or during a work training. While God can empower you to persevere through the work that is needed to eventually pass that test, that test does not ultimately bear the value of who you are as a participate in the test of life. The ultimate test of life is to faithfully follow in the footsteps of Jesus, and allow him to train you to live life to it’s fullest. And the added benefit is that God promises to fit us for eternity with a perfected body that enable us to live faithfully into the fullness of God’s life. Beyond the tangible ability to pass a test here on earth, in the here and now, the good news of Jesus is that we have a greater test to pass, and with greater resources to be able to pass through it and benefit from it.


All of this can simply boil down to the reality that Jesus, God in the flesh, is the essence – the “n’th” degree, the fullness of every reality that we encounter in life. He is the ultimate: boss, parent, teacher, provider, healer, freer, helper, defender, judge, enjoyer of life that there is. Any category of life that we can think of, Jesus offers us the best and fullest experience of living into it. And that is good news that we all long for. And it’s that good news that we are seeking in things, people, places, and realities other than Jesus. Apart from him the good news we are offered, never lasts as sustainable good news. But the good news of Jesus does.

Telling others that Jesus is good news

If you’re not yet a follower of Jesus, I invite you to consider how Jesus is the good news you’ve been searching for in your life. If you’re already a follower of Jesus, you’ve already begun to experience Jesus as the good news that you’re life longs for. As a follower of Jesus, I encourage you to help others see Jesus as that good news as well.

To do so, is not just riddling off doctrinal statements about Jesus to people (although that might be involved along the way); and it’s not just telling people that Jesus is good news (although that reality is true in statement form). No. This work will involve more than rhetoric. It will involve spending time with people, to listen and hear what they are enduring in life – to discern where their life is longing for good news in a particular way. And once those longings start to become apparent, you now have the opportunity to offer Jesus as the fulfillment of those longingings.

This is the work that Jesus did. Each person he encountered was different, and dealing with a different set of circumstances. And people today are not different. Each has a unique situation and story of experiencing a lack of the fullness of life – to which, Jesus wants to be the good news that fills that void, and in even greater ways than any of us could ever fathom.

This is how Jesus is good news!

Encountering Christ Through My Neighbor

As many of you know, I often go to coffee shops to read and study. At one coffee shop near my home, there is a homeless guy that I have somewhat come to regularly see and converse with. I’m going to call him Fred. Before I met Fred, it was fairly obvious that he was down-and-out. He had on mis-matched clothing, that wasn’t the cleanest or in best shape. And, he had a cardboard sign that he was holding.

The day I met Fred was a cold day this past winter. Fred had been holding a cardboard sign at the nearby street-corner, trying to get some money. He ducked into the coffee shop to warm himself. He got a small coffee and a little something to eat. As he was sitting at the table by me, I could see him counting the little money that he had stuffed into his coat pocket. And, after a little time passed by, he ended up asking me if he could use my phone to make a call. I allowed him to, and he made a couple calls to various people that he knew, and whom he was trying to meet-up with. He thanked me for allowing him to use my phone. A few moments later, he asked me if I had a few dollars that I could spare to give to him. He explained that he had recently lost his construction job and also his apartment, and that he was trying to get enough money together to get to Albany to stay with a relative in the mean time, as he got back on his feet.

At this point, we all probably would have a similar thought going through our heads. “Do I give this guy some money? What is he going to do with it. Should it matter if I know what he is going to do with it? What is the right thing to do here? What does the Lord want me to do right now (I hope this goes through your head regularly)?”

For some time, my typical rule of thumb — in a situation like this — has been the following. If I have cash in my wallet, and if a person actually asks me for money (opposed to just holding a sign or jingling a cup of change), then I will give them what they ask for (using some discernment: I’m not going to hand over a credit/debit card if a homeless person asks me for my credit/debit card). I take this approach because it lines-up with what Jesus says in Luke 6:30-31, “Give to everyone who asks you…. Do to others as you would have them do to you.” I had $5 in my wallet, so I gave it to him. He was grateful.

Typically, I am shy in situations like this, not wanting to force a conversation on someone I have just met. But, I figured the guy had already opened the door to ask for my help, so I thought that I should also ask him if there was anything that I could be praying for on his behalf. I hesitated a little, but went on to ask Fred. He basically told me to just pray that God’s relationship with him would stay good. I’m not sure what he meant by that, or if he even meant it. But, I acknowledged his request.

After our exchange, Fred gathered his stuff and headed back out into the cold to hold his sign next to the passing traffic. I figured that that would probably be the last time I ever saw him. Usually, that’s what these kinds of encounters are like.

I left the encounter thinking to myself, “Wow, that was cool that I was able to be an agent of God’s blessings and grace to Fred.” I even used this encounter as an illustrative story at youth group the following Sunday — as an example of how God is at work all around us, and wanting to work through our lives to bless others. It was definitely a high moment.

Then… came the following week. I was once again at this particular coffee shop. I was reading and writing away on my computer, when I noticed that Fred was once again holding his sign at the nearby intersection. And, next thing I know, Fred comes back into the coffee shop to get warm.

I am ashamed to say what happened next. In my mind, I was hoping that Fred wouldn’t recognize me sitting there. After all, I was the one who helped him last time, so of course he’s going to take advantage of me and want help again.

That’s not how it is supposed to happen right? This is suppose to be the kind of moment where I meet the person once, give them a handout, feel good about it, and never see the person again. Right?

Wrong. That’s what I have been conditioned to think. But, that is not the way it works in God’s kingdom.

God’s kingdom is not about the handout, but about the people that receive the handout. The relationship is what matters. And, in this instance, I was not interested in having a relationship where I was the giver and Fred was the receiver.

Now remember, at this point, Fred hasn’t even noticed me or asked me for more money or help. This is all just going-on in my head. But, the lie had born fruit in my mind, and I acted as if I was busy, so I didn’t have to talk or even make eye contact with Fred. Next thing I know, Fred had warmed himself and was back outside and heading down the sidewalk to some other location.

I felt so ashamed. I knew my attitude was not what the Lord desired of me. And, here I was left with a potential situation, where I might not ever see Fred again, and be able to repent and treat him differently.

I went home dejected and confessed and lamented to my wife that I was a horrible person and a horrible Christian. I even lamented over the fact that I had used my first encounter with him as an example at youth group, but I wasn’t faithful to follow-through with my own advice a week later.

I admit, I purposefully drove past that coffee shop a couple times over the next couple of weeks to see if Fred was standing near there or sitting inside — so that I could have a second chance at letting God love Fred through me.

A few weeks later, I was once again at the coffee shop reading and writing, and Fred stopped in again. This time, I made sure to make eye contact with him and acknowledge him, and talk with him. As we chatted, Fred shared how he had recently attended a church on Hertel, and he was asking what I knew about it. He further shared how he had been staying at St. Luke’s in Buffalo, and how some other guys were trying to steal his stuff. He also shared how Catholic Charities was helping him to get a place to live, which would in turn increase his chances of being employed somewhere. He shared how he had applied for work at many places, but also conveyed that employers were skeptical to hire someone who doesn’t have a permanent address. We ended up chatting about life in general and how Buffalo has been changing, and even politics (this was right after Pres. Trump was elected). We ended our conversation and Fred went back outside to once again hold his sign by traffic.

I share this story to highlight a handful of realities. (1) In the end, this encounter was more about being present to Fred and listening to his story, than it was about him getting something from me.

(2) Fred is a neighbor that I didn’t expect to encounter more than once. But, having met him, I learned through my encounters with him, the value of being present over mere practical help. As much as Fred is not my neighbor next to my house, he is still my neighbor none-the-less (if using Jesus’ definition of a neighbor, Luke 10:25-37). And, just like with Fred, so also it applies with my next-door neighbors — that practical help (mere sharing shovels or cups of sugar) are not nearly as important as the attitude that I exhibit toward my neighbors. If I am trying to avoid eye contact, or avoid addressing people by their names (let-alone even knowing their names), then it may be a reflection of my heart toward my neighbor — which, in turn, if a reflection of my relationship with the Lord. My actions may seem to reflect that I care, but my heart isn’t inclined to care about my neighbor.

(3) As much as I thought Fred would encounter God through me (which I think still happened, even though I faltered), it is just as likely that I encounter God in my interaction with my neighbors. Maybe my neighbors aren’t lacking a home or a job. But, they are lacking something: joy, a unified family, healthy children, purpose, etc. We all are lacking something. We are all poor in some way. God is the only one who is not poor and not lacking anything. But, when I encounter and interact and serve those impoverished around me, I encounter Christ Jesus (Matthew 25:31-45).

Finally, (4) God’s truth may be read in the pages of the Bible, but those truths are further revealed on the pages of everyday life. So, just like my encounter with Fred, so also my encounter with any neighbor may be an opportunity through which God forms me further into the character of Christ Jesus. I wasn’t expecting to be formed in humility, grace, mercy, and forgiveness through my failures with Fred, but that is exactly what God shaped further in my heart through my failure and my response to it.

So take heart. If you’ve failed in your attitude toward any neighbor (next door, or homeless in the nearby coffee shop), Christ’s presence is not absent from that moment. Rather, Christ is present there all the more, if we would just take the time to look for him in the midst of our trials and errors with our neighbors.

Feel Like a Failure at Neighboring? There's Still Hope!

One time there were three young families that just moved into an established neighborhood.  Over the course of the next months and year, the families slowly, but surely tried to make connections with the neighbors right around them. The first family struck-up a relationship of trust with this one neighbor, where each were willing to watch each other’s children or pets — where each trusted the other with access to their home and treasured possessions. The second family struck-up a cordial relationship with this one neighbor, where each was willing to watch each other’s houses while the other was out of town, and borrow each other’s yard tools when the other didn’t have a particular tool for a job. The third family, well, they were never really able to make a good connection with this one neighbor. Try as they would, most of what they were able to do was just wave hello when they saw the other coming home or leaving, but they were never really able to make inroads to a deeper relationship like the other two families did with their neighbors.

Now, which of these three families do you think better better executed the discipline of neighboring? Was it the first family who was able to establish a deep trusting relationship with their neighbor? Or, was it the second family, who at least, was able to have regular interaction with their neighbor? Or, could it possibly be the third family, who seemed to never make it past the first step of establishing a relationship with their neighbor?

Our first inclination might be to award the first family, because they reached the deepest level of intimacy. And, we would probably at least give an honorable mention to the second family for having some level of interaction with their neighbor.

But, the third family. My guess is that we might be tempted to think that they flopped — that they just didn’t put in enough effort. We would probably say the first two families neighbored well. But, the third family pretty much failed.

In Matthew 25, Jesus tells a similar story,

14 [The kingdom of God] will be like a man going on a journey, who called his servants and entrusted his wealth to them. 15 To one he gave five bags of gold, to another two bags, and to another one bag, each according to his ability. Then he went on his journey. 16 The man who had received five bags of gold went at once and put his money to work and gained five bags more. 17 So also, the one with two bags of gold gained two more. 18 But the man who had received one bag went off, dug a hole in the ground and hid his master’s money. 19 “After a long time the master of those servants returned and settled accounts with them. 20 The man who had received five bags of gold brought the other five. ‘Master,’ he said, ‘you entrusted me with five bags of gold. See, I have gained five more.’ 21 “His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’ 22 “The man with two bags of gold also came. ‘Master,’ he said, ‘you entrusted me with two bags of gold; see, I have gained two more.’ 23 “His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’ 24 “Then the man who had received one bag of gold came. ‘Master,’ he said, ‘I knew that you are a hard man, harvesting where you have not sown and gathering where you have not scattered seed. 25 So I was afraid and went out and hid your gold in the ground. See, here is what belongs to you.’ 26 “His master replied, ‘You wicked, lazy servant! So you knew that I harvest where I have not sown and gather where I have not scattered seed? 27 Well then, you should have put my money on deposit with the bankers, so that when I returned I would have received it back with interest. 28 “‘So take the bag of gold from him and give it to the one who has ten bags.29 For whoever has will be given more, and they will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them. 30 And throw that worthless servant outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’

Now you may not immediately think of this story that Jesus tells as a story about neighboring. And, in general, I would agree. But, I think there is an important point that Jesus makes that does pertain to how we approach neighboring. With the third servant, who only hid his talent, the king in the story says that the servant should have at least invested the talent with the bank, so he could at least get a little return on the investment. As many times as I have read or heard of this story, I often have left it thinking that the third man was dead in the water from the get-go. After all, he seems to be thinking, “I’m no good at this investing thing, so at least I can just not lose the talent I was given.” The servant seems to wallow in his inability to do what the other two servants were very gifted to do. But, the king, in the end says that he would have been just as happy if the servant would have just done a little investing. The king didn’t expect him to have the same return as the other two servants, but to just keep at it with what abilities he did have.

Now, isn’t that how many of us tend to feel when it comes to neighboring? We are like the three families at the beginning of this post. Some of us easily strike up relationships with a neighbor. Some of us easily establish a cordial relationship with a neighbor. And then some of us, we try and try and try to establish a connection with a neighbor, and all we get is a wave hello back from them — no conversation, no sharing of resources, nothing else. In those times, we feel as if it just doesn’t matter. Why bother trying. But, I think if we take Jesus words to heart, we are called to be like the third servant in moments like this. Not giving up, but faithfully doing the little we are able to do. And, if that is just willfully offering a wave hello at the moment, then we faithfully keep doing that till another opportunity presents itself.

I write this partly because this has been a personal experience of mine with a neighbor nearby me. We have tried and tried to establish a closer relationship with this neighbor, but nothing more comes of the relationship. So, we are stuck on waving hello for the most part. That is, until recently, we received a card from this neighbor saying how grateful they were that we are good neighbors. Now, that may not seem like anything. But, the fact that it was even acknowledged that we were neighbors, let alone good neighbors — that is progress, in my book, regarding our neighboring status.

Mike Bowers, a few weeks ago, spoke about how the little things that we faithfully do with our neighbors create a context in which deeper interaction can occur in the future. I think that thought is right in line with the story that Jesus told about the talents. As we all, little by little, faithfully bless and love our neighbors — even if just in simple ways at first — we are part of the bigger mission of God, where we are on the journey of inviting all people to enter into the kingdom of God. We just have to be faithful to do what we can do right now.

Gaining Knowledge & Insight, in Order to Love

And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, 10 so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, 11 filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ—to the glory and praise of God. (Phil. 1:9-11)

It is no surprise to many that Jesus admonishes his followers to love God and love others (Matt. 22:36-40). Love is primary for follower of Jesus — it is by love that the world will know that we are of Christ (John 13:34-36). Love is so important that Jesus even emphasizes that it is the approach that we are to take with those who despise or mistreat us the most: our enemies (Matt. 5:44-46).

Love is clearly important for life as a follower of Jesus. But, what about those times when we are not so inclined to love? What about those times that we are not so inclined to love God? What about those times that we are not so inclined to love our brother or sister in Christ? What about those times that we are not so inclined to love our enemies?

Outside of Christ, the notion of loving is a highly subjective practice. When we feel warm and fuzzy around someone, we are inclined to love them. But, when the pricks of human relationships happen, we are not so inclined to love. Love in this subjective manner ends-up being dictated by our own limited perspective of life. We lack a broader perspective. We lack knowledge and insight greater than our own.

This is what Paul acknowledges in his prayer in Philippians 1:7-11. He realizes that if the Philippians seek to love out of their own limited perspective and experiences, then they will get muddled-down, and discouraged when they are called to love God or others, when either does not act according to their expectations. So, Paul prays for the love of the Philippians to be developed by knowledge and insight of Christ.

Now, gaining knowledge and insight of Christ does not mean that every person needs to attend Bible college, go to seminary, or aspire to a Ph.D. In theology. But, it does mean that every follower of Jesus should be aspiring to grow in their knowledge of Jesus, as long as they live life on this side of eternity.

Everyone comes to loving God and others out of some knowledge and insight. But, all of us are at different points on that continuum. Maybe you came to love God out of the knowledge that his son left the beauties of heaven to love the creation of his Father by coming to live on earth. Maybe you came to love your husband or wife out of the knowledge that they left their parents to create a new life with you.

Whatever the knowledge or insight you have about a person, at some point, there will always be something more we can learn about them. At this point, we can either choose to love out of the current knowledge that we have. But the downside is, our current knowledge or insight of the other person will run into some bumps, if the other person does something out of sync with our current knowledge of them.

Jesus’ disciples anticipated that he would deliver Israel through a king like David. But, when he acted differently by allowing himself to be crucified, and later resurrected — the disciples were confronted with having to increase their knowledge and insight about what God was doing. They had to gain knowledge that God was not just about delivering Israel from Rome, but delivering humanity from sin and death (Rom. 8:2). As they increased their knowledge and insight of God, their love for him is expanded as well.

Scholar Michael Reeves in his book, Delighting in the Trinity says,

Christianity is not primarily about lifestyle change; it is about knowing God…. [And] getting to know God better does actually make for far more profound and practical change as well. Knowing the love of God is the very thing that makes us loving. Sensing the desirability of God alters our preferences and inclinations, the things that drive our behavior: we begin to want God more than anything else.

When we learn more about God, it it not just an exercise in gaining knowledge. Rather, it is an exercise of opening ourselves to a broader reality than just our own. And, when we encounter the wonder and expansive beauty of God — that we see in the life of Jesus — our love and dedication to God grows; and when our love for God grows, so also grows our love for others (see Matt. 22:36-40).

I, like Paul, also pray that our love would abound more and more, as we gain knowledge and insight into the God that we worship and the master that we follow, so that we may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless for the day that Christ returns, and so that we will be filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Christ Jesus.

Fully Receiving Christ’s Gift to Us

One Christmas, there was a relative that was not grateful for anything they were given. This individual had so much going for them. They had a caring family. They were well cared for. They had a good education. They were well fed. They were greatly blessed with many material possessions. This person had received so much. But, for a person who had received so much, they complained about the gift that they were given and said they didn’t want it. Now, one would expect a person to not be impacted by the generosity of someone giving a gift. Nor, would it be expected that a person’s life not be impacted by the the cost of the gift itself.

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Working a Pointless Job?

Chapter 15 of 1 Corinthians 15 concludes with what has become in my life, one of the most paradigm shifting verses I have encountered in Scripture. Having just concluded an exposition on the concept of resurrection, in verse 58, Paul says, “Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.”

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What Would You Do?

Have you ever watched the show What Would You Do? The show where a controversial situation (like bullying, theft, or abusive parenting) is staged in a public place to see what everyday, average people would do — to see if they would not respond and just sit and watch? To see if they would respond? If they responded, how would they respond?

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Should It Already Look like Jesus Has Overcome the Troubles of the World?

Huh?! That may be your response to some of what you see and hear Jesus saying in the gospel accounts. So many of the things that Jesus says sound so strait forward and easy to understand. And, no more than half-way through a logical sentence, Jesus seems to say something illogical — seemingly counterintuitive to what he just said. One such example of this comes from John 16, where Jesus tells his disciples, “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

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It Won’t Affect Me If I Skip Church… Will It?

On a Saturday night, while preparing for Sunday, how many of the following thoughts hit home for you? “I’ve had a long week, I need a morning to just sit at home and relax.” “My daughter has a soccer game this morning, and she can’t miss, or she might not get to play as much in the next game.” “We have guests tomorrow afternoon, so I’ll have to get the house ready for them tomorrow morning.” “I need to make a connection with this client, and the only time they seem to be able to meet is Sunday morning.” “My boss asked if can work tomorrow morning. I do need to pay for that vacation that is coming up, so I better take the time while they’ll give it to me.”

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Theology & Cookies

Who of us hasn’t had a hand in making cookies (of any kind)? We get all of the ingredients and utensils out of the cupboard. And, we start following the recipe we have on hand. Now, when we start, we have a pretty good understanding of the individual items that we handle. If it is chocolate chip cookies, it is clear-cut that four is flour, eggs are eggs, and sugar is sugar. By themselves, the items’s are easily distinguishable (black and white). But, once we start mixing all of the ingredients together, that black and white distinction fades. And, not only does it fade, but the resulting concoction of ingredients becomes messy.

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When We Want to Understand Something, Where Do We Look First? With Jesus?

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning…. The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. (John 1:1ff)

Leslie Newbigin (a late Brittish theologian, missionary, and author) reminds us that the nature of how Christians understand how to live and act in the world, finds its root in the incarnation of Jesus (God taking on flesh and bone).

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Ken Bone, Undecideds, and Learning God’s Ways

I have been listening to a certain podcast for the past month or so, (for those of you who don’t know what a podcast is, it is an internet only radio-style talk show). It is hosted by two minister friends who like to offer thoughts on theology and how theology intersects with culture. Recent episodes of their podcast have been post-debate analysis for the past couple of Presidential debates. On the most recent post-debate episode, the hosts were giving their opinion on how sad they were about the entire 2016 election, with all of it’s name calling, mud slinging, each candidate pulling skeletons out of each other’s pasts, and the sheer avoidance of any substantive discussion about actual issues. In all, the hosts’s perspective was that the population was not much different. In fact, they viewed the general voting population as just as pathetic.

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It’s My Right!?

We hear about this because of the current electoral season. And, in the day and age and society in which we live in the United States in 2016, it is near difficult in any capacity to not hear about an issue pertaining to the rights of someone — whether it is: parental rights, ethnic rights, gender rights, privacy rights, etc. It shouldn’t surprise us, that the concept of rights is a big deal to people living within the United States. After all, rights are a main topic in the inceptive documents of the United States: The Declaration of Independence (“…certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness”), and the Bill of Rights has the term right in the title. In light of this, it is no secret that many people, including us, get consumed with preserving our rights.

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Loving our Enemies to Death

Who do we fear? And, how we do overcome those that we fear?

Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever…. The Lord is with me; I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me? The LORD is with me; he is my helper. I look in triumph on my enemies. It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in humans. It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in princes. All the nations surrounded me, but in the name of the LORD I cut them down. … Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever. (Psalm 118: 1, 6-10, 29)

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The Impact of Sin… Generations Later?

I know, I’m jumping ahead in our reading through the Bible, but I will jump back to the Old Testament in a moment. In Matthew 2, we encounter this scene where Magi from the east come to Jerusalem to honor the king who had just been born (pointing to the birth of Jesus). King Herod, at the time, inquires of what the Magi know of this “new king.” He comes to find out that a child was to be born in Bethlehem, who would become king of the Jews. Herod, in his jealousy and insecurity and want to maintain power, decides right-away, to eliminate the threat of this newborn king. He does so by ordering the slaughter of every boy in Bethlehem, two years old and under.

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What Does God Have To Do With ___________?

This question can be asked from two opposite ends of the spectrum. On one side, it can be asked by those who believe, about how they should expect God to be involved in many areas of life. “What does God have to do with how people vote?” “What does God have to do with where I buy my groceries or home goods?” “What does God have to do with my job?”

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Meeting God in the Middle

What image of God do you hold in your mind? My guess is that we all have some sort of picture of God. For some, it might be the image of a desirable person, but someone in a position of power who towers over his subjects — a very other-worldly and distant image. Or for some, it might be the image of someone who is scowl-faced and seemingly ready to lash-out at the first sign of something not going as they want.

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