Ep. 25 - What is Fasting, and How Do You Do it?

In this episode, we’re bringing you a discussion on the topic of fasting inspired by Jordan's sermon on 3-13-2022. Fasting is a great way for us to humble ourselves and put God first. Hopefully our discussion helps you to orient yourselves toward Jesus not just one hour on Sunday, but all hours of the week!

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Ep. 9 - Our Spirituality Isn't Separate From Our Bodies

On this episode, Mitch and Jordan discuss the fact that our spirituality isn't separate from our bodies. We need to take care of them as God's temple, and be aware that they are susceptible to the brokenness of the world it's found in. However, it isn't as complicated as we sometimes make it out to be. Join us for an interesting discussion!

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Ep. 7 - Jesus Defies Expectation