Once your account is set up, there are two ways to give on-line: From your computer or from your phone.

Go to www.give2ccc.org to give from your computer. Use the account you created in the Sign Up section.  

Once signed in, you will see the page to the right:

Choose a stored payment method, and enter an amount to give.

You can choose from three funds to give to, See the Giving FAQ section for an explanation of each fund. 

Choose submit to process you donation. You will receive an email confirmation once your donation is processed

CCC does not accept any other type of designated donations on this website. We also do not accept payment for any other items such as fees for youth events on this site. Collecting other types of fees will be done with a different form, on a different website. 



You can also give from a phone via the ShelbyNEXT | Giving app. You can find instructions for setting up the app on your phone in the Sign Up section here.

You will see the following screen when you login and chose "Give". The giving options are the same as described in the computer sections above.

You will receive an email confirmation once you donation is processed.